I can just eat popcorn and enjoy the movie - or I can sit around dreading that the movie will be over sometime - but it is one helluva long flick with a helluva lot of great stuff in it (unless we insert the crappola ourselves).


Yes, I'd like to keep it going, but I KNOW it ends.  It is futile to fear it ending, for it will end...and that's it.  Nothing to fear.  We just don't know the "when".

But before the "when" happens, we get the gift of seeing and experiencing life.  There is no loss, for we are always ahead of where we would have been had our lives never miraculously started in the first place. 

Life is only a pure opportunity.  We can fill it with bad feelings and thoughts and then assume that the fillings are reality, but they aren't. 

We can deny that we will die.  We can "explain the unexplainable" and pretend we "know the unknowable" and create the idea of a life after this one.  But how can we be sure that we know the truth and that there will be another life.  We can't.  We can develop "faith" that it'll happen...and that will be a comfort.  But if we look at life as it is and have a perspective on life there is no need for a comfort, for there is no discomfort, there is nothing to fear. 

We can create ideas that our life is only worthwhile if we are worthwhile or if we make some contribution to the world.  But we don't have to do that, for life has implicit value on its own and is good and wonderful in itself.  It is surely ok for us to add meanings and to value certain things and ways of being, but it is surely a pure waste to set up meanings that cause us suffering, when there is no need for suffering.  We can just live the pure opportunity of life - and that will be incredibly wonderful!!!!!

There is no reason for big artificial anxieties for we are simply skaters learning to skate down a tunnel bumping into the walls and falling down at times, getting bumps and bruises that are no big deal - they're just part of life.  And to hope that they won't be, or that life will run perfectly, makes no sense and only creates suffering.  There is nothing to suffer about - we can just enjoy the experience like we are some kid who doesn't "know better" and is just having a ball!   We'll live, we'll survive, we'll eat, we'll have our ups and downs in the material world, but, if we add no BS, it will be a pure blast.  (And your assignment, should you decide to accept it, is to learn how to eliminate the BS and to just live the pure fun of it all.)

I will have pain.  And it'll pass.  It is a necessary part of life - and a blessing, for it is all part of our survival system - and thank evolution for that!  During the pain time, it might dominate me and I might not be so happy, but I can accept that, as part of life. Life is, if we don't add in the suffering we create needlessly, at least 90% good and I know that there is 10% that won't be good, because that is all part of reality - nothing to resist, nothing to protest.  (See Accept The Life Package?)


Although it does not express my philosophy in terms of how to manage life, I appreciate the "acceptance of reality" and the attitude of the saying on the back of tee shirts in Bermuda:

A problem?
No problem
I drink
I get drunk
I fall down
No Problem!

I'd change it to:

Life and its bumps
A problem?
No problem
I act
I succeed or I fail
If I fail
No problem
For I learn
So I get better
But it all don't matter much
As life itself is a wonder
And if I have bruises and bumps