Notes being developed as the arthritis is built dealt with.  Consult your doctor to see what to do.  Do not take this as advice, it is only notes and information

Rheumatoid arthritis is beyond the scope of these note. 

A progressive, degenerate joint "disease" characterized by the breakdown of joint cartilage.  Arthritis is the word used to describe inflammation of a joint

The joints most often affected are in the knees, hips, lower back, neck and hands.
"There is no cure for the disease, but treatment and management can control the symptoms."  See Arthritis - Unnecessary, Curable, And Devastating If Not Treated, especially what The Happy Woman did about it.

Cartilage pads the ends of the bones in the joints. When it deteriorates, the padding toughens and causes irritation. It can deteriorate to the point where the bones in the joints are rubbing against each other. This damaging effect results in the painful condition suffered by arthritics.

Stress on the joints
Osteoarthritis is a condition once thought to be due simply to wear and tear on the cartilage of a joint. Osteoarthritis is now known to be a complex process that involves an active disease process.
repetitive movements with particular joints. Muscle weakness from other diseases or obesity can put more pressure on the joints to develop osteoarthritis.  Sports using one side of the body and actually weak muscles on one side can help to cause it.  My sciatica condition, although my nerves never hurt, causes a muscle weakness on the right side, where I eventually had to quit playing tennis (which contributed to my condition) and skiing (which is, of course, not  lopsided use of the body.

Joint replacement surgery may be recommended in some cases. Rest when pain or inflammation occurs is recommended in the early stages of the disease. Moderate exercise may help in strengthening the muscles around the joints. Losing weight may also be a recommendation to lower the stress on the knees or hips. Pain creams and lotions or heat and cold packs are also used to relieve pain.

exercise, weight management and the avoidance of joint injury can go a long way in helping to prevent OA.


arthritis has cause the narrowing of the nerve canals in the spine, so that you are more likely to have the nerves rub against the sides.  A sheath can be seen to be less where that is the case, so there is less protection. 

In the joints the doc says chondroitin could be helpful, but he knows of nothing that helps the other areas.

Also, the compression of the disks L-4 and L-5 in the front of the disks is due to posture and that I need to maintain a very straight up posture with a flattened back with much stronger core muscles around that. 

Try to avoid leaning forward.  Use a back brace if doing any activities that would put undue weight not supporting adequately by muscled on joints.

So it would appear that the key problem with arthritis would be to keep from rubbing the nerves against the sides.  Good posture will help from compressing the disks in the front.  (I also bought, finally, some computer glasses, so I am not tempted to lean forward!)

The diagnosis was that it was about average for my age or maybe a little more. 


Other than assuring that I don't rub my nerves against the sides of the canal, it may be helpful to use one of two medications.   Both pharmacists for each medication said that there is no anti-inflammatory or therapeautic effect of the medicine.  It is just for the pain.  However, the spine doc said there was an antiinflammatory effect especially for the nerves. 


No professiona has warned against taking too much ibuprofen... Such medicine is recommended as eliminating the inflamation gets rid of some chemicals that are bad for you.  They relieve pain from the inflammation, not from nerves (as I understand it). 


No running, but exercising in a pool is excellent.  Walking on a treadmill may be ok.

Arthritis - MedicinNet.Com has good complete explanations.

Osteoarthritis - What Is It? 


What Is Arthritis In The Spine?  - "As disks flatten, a jelly substance is produced that sticks out and presses on the spinal cord and nerve endings. Ligaments that hold the spinal cord together thicken over time. As these ligaments thicken they stiffen up and bulge into the spinal cord, which narrows the spinal cord and compresses tissues of nerves.

In osteoarthritis of the spine, the spaces between the vertebrae narrow. Bone spurs often form. When bone surfaces rub together, the vertebral joints (facets) and areas around the cartilage become inflamed and painful. Gradually, your spine stiffens and loses flexibility.

L-4, L-5 disks - See picture of the spine Wikipedia.  Flattening of the lower back, tilting of bottom of the pelvis forward relieves too much compression of the disk in the front.  A big arch in the lower back is not good.

NECK - Straight line from top of head thru ear, shoulders - Picture. Do not lean forward!  Nor droop shoulders forward.  if you don't rotate or turn your neck, it will stop turning. So, a nice “C” curve in the cervical spine equals a relaxed spinal cord. Elongating it out straight equals tension. This tension causes stress to the cord, and therefore inhibits nervous system function, which leads to neck problems. Not the picture of the workstation.  I raised the back of my chair for better support and fit to my lower back.  Adjust the back-forward position in the chair, with someone observing to see correct "stacking of the head vertebrae" and not leaning forward or back. Sit exactly centered, not leaning to one side on the arm of the chair.  I just raised te arms on my chair to naturally rest my arms lightly.

Proper viewing focus at computer - I just got some "computer" glasses, as I noticed I leaned forward sometimes to focus on small print.
Arthritis - Unnecessary, Curable, And Devastating If Not Treated - Often said to be uncurable, but that may be relative...

Earlier and accurate diagnosis can help to prevent irreversible damage and disability.