Being in diminished capacity is not terrible, it's just not as great as being fully alive, aware, and fully functional.

Lots of distractors - Like a warrior trying to get to a destination, but with the enemy constantly attacking him, he has to fight them off.  When I have a set of beliefs that are constantly putting me in "danger" or "on guard", there is little room for straight ahead type of thinking - and much energy is used up.

Physical - Tired, poor condition, body prioritizing trying to handle too manyy things out of whack.  Awareness diminishes. 

Diminished intelligence - "Thinking units" are taken up with other things and/or not energized nor available.  Decisions are made with less rigor, less clarity, less attention, with less thinking ability - not a great state for making decisions!!!

Less thorough, less complete - Will tend to push something aside, rather than pick it up or handle it.
Diminishers - TV, as one goes into mild depression, which is a state of conserving energy and low aliveness.

Leave more stuff sitting around, not the extra energy to organize, not care as much as the body has to parcel out the energyt the more vital.
That extra little bit that doesn't get done accumulates and further weights one down, plus if you are in this state you are prone to feeling overwhelmed, like a victim who just is without the power to handle it all. 

I tried to put across the idea of how important it was to stay in  a state of high resourcefulness but somehow that viewpoint struck the hearer as another type of ideal state and not quite as important. 

Are you "bad" for being in this capacity now or alot of your life?  Certainly not.  You just were functioning at the level you could given all the conditions, untrue beliefs, and low capacity.   The point is to choose now whether you want to continue this way or take full advantage of your capacity to create more of what you really want.


How much of your life do you want to spend in this living level?

Will you choose to guard against dropping into a diminished capacity, as if your life depended on it?  
     Diligently, doggedly, with assurety.

See This Is Who I Can Be 


Stephen Covey, in his all-time best selling (and mandatory reading) book The Seven Habits Of Highly Successful People, differentiates between efforts put into producing (which he calls "P") and into creating and maintaining the capability of producing (which he calls "PC", productive capability).  If we where out our machinery, we will be able to produce less and less outputs (products, results).   We must  keep a balance between P and PC, essentially sharpening our saw when the blade becomes dulled, so that you can saw down a tree faster, even with taking the time to sharpen the saw.  Without PC, we are screwed.  We are thoughtlessly "P"ing all over the place, and with little effect, since we are operating at low productivity. 

To keep our saw sharp, he builds into his planning formats a "saw" section of building/maintaining physical, emotional (rejuvenation, etc.), mental, and work productivity.  You should assure that you do the same,  every week, pre-scheduled - stuck into the calendar as a "big rock", a First Things First concept  (the title of his subsequent best seller). 

You should read both, as part of your general education.