[This is excerpted from The Four Quadrants And The Four Domains Of Life, the Word document which is more complete than the summary extract called The Four Quadrants And Domains Of Life - Which Do You Choose? ]

As part of your tour through the four domains piece, you'll see what the conversations are that perpetuate and enable being in the lower quadrants.  I have excerpte this page from a part of that piece.]

If you have no "happiness" conversation, you have cannot have happiness.  If you engage in "unhappiness" conversations, you will have unhappiness. Your conversation IS the path to what you truly want.

                                                                                    The BuddhaKahuna

This piece is a resource for the conversations that you will decide on and select to be part of your conversation.  You will write these down, breaking them into categories if you want, but reviewing them until they are automatic and an integral part of you.

As in the “it works both directions” law, if you engage more in this conversation and less in the “other” conversation, you grow into being in the higher domains, naturally and automatically, easily (= habit).  You don't need to be dependent on the ill-learned conversations that come out of your lower brain.  You can, instead, live life the other way around:  you send the messages to your lower brain and let it learn what you want it to learn, so it can serve you rather than the other way around.

Of course, you need to decide/discern what is actually true in order to get the most out of this.  Clarity on this is powerful.

I was born with everything I need to make it in life.   (And now I get to add the extra software add-ons to create whatever I want.

I am clear on who I am.

I am a human being, a 'man'.
I am made out of energy and matter.
I am whatever role or way of being I choose.
Popeye: I yam what I yam and that’s all I yam!”

I just am, no more judgment, guilt, shame, remorse.  They don’t work.
I take no offense at anything
I am the writer of my story

I put my attention on what is real instead of story.  I stop this story conversation and get to what is real and practical.   I never tell "made-ups" (stories) as truths.  I only 'tell the truth'. 

I choose to be free.

Free, of what?  Distortion, wrong knowledge, wrong belief, victim needs, codependency/obligation
   Free to no longer be the one I thought I had to pretend to be
   Free to not have to please others

I choose to be this way:

Grateful, love, loyalty, justice
To become the truth is my goal
Become impersonal – love all and appreciate all, commune w others
We can enjoy the ride or resist it and suffer.  I choose to learn what is necessary and to stop all resistance and just enjoy the ride.

I am happy wherever I am, whatever I do, for I have an underlying appreciation for life and for myself.

I am always enjoying my life.  I am free.