Without self-care there is no winning of the game of life.  Yet we often forget that, in the quest of the very last drop from events of the day, even wasting the opportunity in "seeking relief", and going down the tubes of life.  Master self-care and you master life itself.

                                                            The BuddhaKahuna


Care = To take charge of, look after 

Without self-care, there is no ability to play the game of life to its happy fruition. 


This is essentially the same as "productive capability", discussed very well in Stephen Covey's The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People.  The book talks about "producing" what you want in life, but remembering that what we produce is dependent on our capability - if we let it go too far down, then we have a very unproductive life.  In that state, we are like a woodsmen with a dull blade, working hard but getting little accomplished.


Homeostasis - Keeping Yourself In Your Maximum Power  
Filling One's Emotional Tank - Don't run out of psychological gas.
Giving To Oneself What Is Needed - Don't waste time trying to get it elsewhere 
     Self-Nurturing, Self-Soothing 
Achieving Physical Balance And High Health - Master this - and it'll serve you for having more life in your years plus more (good) years in your life.


Yes, we all want health, both physically and emotionally, yet we divert from it into "seeking relief" from the stress we cause ourselves or "seeking immediate gratification", where we often ignore the trade-offs.

If you fully understand what is at stake - your very life and its quality - you will operate from a perspective of what produces the best consequences - short term and long-term. 

Then you'll want to make "The Pledge For Life".  (And you'll tickle this up on your calendar to look at, probably in your Reminders Notebook.)


I fully understand that the quality of my life is dependent on the care I give to my body and my mind.  It is my very life. 

I know that maintaining my highest capability will have me operating at the top in my life, at the highest level of resourcefulness so that I make great decisions, do great actions, and feel great.  I pay attention and adjust very, very quickly back to a state of homeostasis and high resourcefulness.  I will live my life in high resourcefulness, fully capable of getting the most out of my life - I will not tolerate wasting my life operating at a lower state. 

I hereby absolutely commit to doing what is necessary to create that highest level of resourcefulness and capability every day and every hour of my life. 

I absolutely commit to caring for my body - and formulating and following my plan and list of commitments for what to do to assure my body is in excellent operating order. 

I absolutely commit to care for my mind, for my emotions, and for my psychology so that I am alert to all that is going on, able to appreciate it all, without fear, without harmful stress, so that I can enjoy my life to the max!  To achieve this, I absolutely commit to formulating and following my plan and list of commitments for what to do for assure that my mind, emotions, and psychology are in excellent operating order.

The is my pledge for my very life and vitality, for achieving maximu happiness in my life.

Absolutely committed to and pledged this ___ day of ____________, in the year of ____

Signed:  ___________________________________

Implementing this into your life!

Implementing Self Care - How Much? What Do I Do? And When? - Unless you do this, you cannot live a good or great life!!!

Understanding what is "filling"

Filling One's Emotional Tank - Don't run out of psychological gas.

Giving To Oneself What Is Needed - Don't waste time trying to get it elsewhere 

  Self-Nurturing, Self-

Prevent "leaks", assure full power

Homeostasis - Keeping Yourself In Your Maximum Power 

Achieving Physical Balance And High Health - Master this - and it'll serve you for having more life in your years plus more (good) years in your life.

Protecting self against leaks

Boundaries - Failing to set these can ruin your life!