tba, being worked on, see Personal Energy Checklist

These are just notes on possibilities, not medical advice.  See your doctor before doing anything, using this to help with the discussion points.  Don't stop pushing this until you've solved it.  The condition is not at all acceptable and it should not be tolerated!


You cannot afford to operate in this state nor to induce it (unless of course you are actually being chased by a tiger). 

See The Costs Of Destabilization .


The reasons for exhaustion can be:

1.  Excessive "holding" and tensing of the muscles as would be the case with high, ongoing anxiety and readying oneself constantly to meet a supposed threat.
2.  Violating the rest and eating rules, so the body goes out of balance and/or into fatigue and malfunctions at a high, damaging level.
   a. Blood Sugar Stability problems.
3.  Physical out-of-balance items, see below.
4.  Inadequate hydration.


Complete exhaustion is "near death", but there are other levels of exhaustion that are damaging to one's physical and mental health. 

Extreme exhaustion is that which a number of people have reached, resulting in things like chronic fatigue syndrome or even hypoglycemia.  Adrenal exhaustion wipes one out completely. 

Mid level exhaustion.

Over use of adrenaline producing - coffee, sucking on all day or alot. 
Drinking too much water without replenishing minerals and electrolytes. 


Gluten.  Stop gluten for 21 days and see what the effect it, as it causes iron not to be absorbed in "gluten sensitive" people.

Thyroid low.  Make sure have iodized salt (must say it on package).  Possibly take kelp pills for 30 days.  Always, of course, have it tested and work with your doctor.  A "low normal level" may not be the right standard for you.

Statins.  Statins can interfere with the energy cycle, possibly not converting sugar to energy.  Take 100 mg CoQ10.

Birth control pills can throw off testosterone.  Switch to non-hormonal IUD.

Stress can reduce testosterone.  5 minutes of breathing (pranayama yoga breathing one cycle while holding closed one nostril and then the other)

Prilosec and other proton pump inhibitors (ppi) deplete body of magnesium.  400 mg magnesium or DGL to handle stomach.

Anemia - Assure sufficient iron and B12 supplied and used. Detected in the CBC (complete blood count).


Rather obvious, but many do not do this the right way.  When fatigued, people will often have trouble sleeping, so they give up on rest - and things get worse! 

Go for getting 8 hours of sleep.  Take 10-20 minute naps as often as you feel tired (which may be a whole bunch of naps early in the day even!)


Stop eating all but 100 calories (multiply carb grams by 4) of sugar and refined foods.  It is an illusion that your fatigue will be cured by constant stimulation (and subsequent wild fluctuations), including eating "food uppers".  Eat small snacks of protein with a little bit of fruit.

Not eating over 100 calories of sugars (including refined food, as they are quick glucose converters) is a lifetime habit that will serve one in keeping a healthy weight.

Use monk fruit sweetener or stevia if you need a sweetener. 

Follow all the practices on the Personal Energy Checklist - Getting It And Maintaining It .