Always consult with a specialist first.  Don't do these otherwise.

With these programs, one's back pain almost always get better.

Better yet, engage in the prevention program BEFORE you get a wake-up call!


The skeletal structure is the key load bearing mechanism.   When we put the load elsewhere, there is potential damage and strain.  We lift with the skeleton and the lifting muscles straight up, not bending or otherwise putting undue strain/load on the spine.

The key is to always stack it all up straight one part on top of the other, as often as possible.

The core muscles have the primary function of holding the skeletal structure in the proper place, to take the proper load (most of the load).  If they are not strong, we will misuse and strain our other parts. 

Note that the key underlying position to maintain is your "neutral position" for the spine, where you feel the least pressure or pain.  Normally we overarch, especially during certain activities, which puts strain on our backs and causes pain and tension.  The common suggestion is to tilt your hips forward as if you are thrusting (the lower part of your hips go more forward - and your back flattens out, so your spine is straighter.

To maintain the neutral position, you will need to tighten your stomach muscles and your buttock muscles if necessary to hold your neutral (straightened spine) position while going through any range of motion. 

The idea is to train yourself to naturally do this AND to strengthen the core muscles so that they do more of the work, including holding the spine in a neutral position.  This will relieve virtually all back pain for most people!

When your spine is overly arched (which most people do!) the spine will compress the disks too much.  The objective is to have the spine in a neutral position where the disk are perfectly flat rather than pinched (which would affect the nerves!).

The joints wear out proportionally to load, pounding (which increases net load force), and use.  Tennis and other one sided sports will have strong effects on one side!  So, you'll have to guard against those.  Braces and shock absorbers (such as in the shoe) are key to distributing and softening the load.  There are no supermen.  These rules apply to all!

Encourage others to start early - and you will be saving them alot of mistakes, harm, and possibly pain!


Other than learning on your own, consult a certified back care professional - and let them guide you into the finer distinctions - and perhaps give you the insight to see where you may be badly out of balance and could have a future problem

These are medical issues, so consult your specialist first!

Illnesses And Ill Health - Causes And Treatments  Contents/Links

Physical Contents, Links

Addressing My Back And Neck Pain And Solving It Once And For All! - Personal notes

Managing Your Back Pain - Kaiser Permanente video training program

Outside articles:

How To Crack The Back, eHow


Keep abdominal muscle tightened during all of these, and in neutral position.


Can use a towel, lift one leg at a time, gently

Knee to chest - Towel can be used, hold for 20 seconds, alternate leg.

Double knee to chest - Hold for 20 seconds, slowly lower legs, 3 reps.  Keep abdominal muscles tight.

Comfort positions - "Unloading exercises"
As often as needed. 

Lean forward on table and take weight off feet and onto table, 20 -30 seconds, 2- 3 reps.

On back, knees up with feet flat on surface, push on upper thighs, 20-30 seconds

In chair, use arm rests to lift your butt partially off the  seat - 20-30 seconds, 2-3 x

Bending forward or bending backward (check to see which of these works), move back in opposite position of what feels bad.  Find your neutral position and keep stomach and buttock muscles tightened to stay in the neutral position.

POSTURE - All cases, where applicable, hold back in neutral position, tighten stomach muscles

Sleeping - On side, supporting head to mid range, pillow between knees and ankles.

Getting out of bed. Gently tighten stomach and buttocks without holding your breath, roll to side and gently rise up to where feet on the floor, pushing with arms into bed to sit up.

Getting out of a chair, feet slightly forward from oother, bend forw from hips- keep neutral spine, stand by pushing with legs and using arms to push off seat.

Reaching overhead, back naturally arches, so hold in neutral position.

Using a sink, feet shoulder width apart, keep back in neutral position, keep body as upright as possible, bend forward from hips.

Sitting (don't slouch!) - Sit tall, legs uncrossed, drop shoulders back and down.

Lifting - Feet shoulder width, stick rear end out as far as can, as upright as possible, using legs to lift

Picking things up -same as lifting, feet apart one foot in front of te other (slightly)

Find the neutral range for your spine (least stressful). Lying down: Arch back, feel stress; flatten back, rock back and forth to find the comfortable range.

Usually your hips have to rotate forward, thrusting (gently) the bottom of the hips and your back flattens.  Draw your belly button toward your spine

Hold in place by tightening the stomach and buttocks muscles as necessary, without holding your breath.