tba notes of analysis, very rough

I do that which I believe at the time meets my felt need.  It may not be a deep need, like having food and shelter, but it is a "need".   I "need" to do it, I think, because I desire to have a result that makes me better off in the moment.

My filling a believed need is not evil or bad just sometimes unworkable or harmful - basically it can sometimes just be a mistake.  A mistake always occurs from not knowing better, not from some mysterious force lurking inside of me.  The only "force" equivalent is my pre-programming that has me doing a particular action that I believe (my programming says) will get me a desired result.

Often the desired result is relief.  And often the relief is needed because my programming is conveyingthe message that I am in danger or I am bad.  The I am bad message is designed to motivate me, in my primitive way of thinking, in my primitive erroneous belief.  Sometimes the beliefs are correct sometimes they arene't.

I can decide which is which by either looking at them and questioning them and reasoning them out, finding out necessary facts or I can simply observe that my belief caused me to act in a way that produced an undesired result.  If it produces an undesireable result, then surely the belief is incorrect.  A belief is simply a rule"  "If this occurs or is done, then this result will happen and it will benefit me in some way."  When it turns out not to be of benefit or to be harmful, then obviously the rule is incorrect, which means it should e changed.

somehow there seems to be a disconnect here.  People see that

often the rule is very vague (i.e. you hav not consciously looked at it and seen the detail, it just seems to happen out of nowhere [which is, of course, impossible)
Who is "me"?


I feela tightness in my chest, a bit of a sinus headache, stuffy nose, all from a bit of acid coming up at night.  I want to relieve it.  I think dong nothing would help (9nteresting rule!)  or I don't "feel like" doing anything.  The term "not feel like" is actually a confusion or a combination of terms that obfuscates (makes unclear) what is going on.  To reason out things, it is necessary to make distinctions.   I feel a feeling.  I think a thought.  Surely, I can't think a feeling nor can I body sensation a thought. I can think about my body sensation, but I can't produce a thought from scratching my skin.  I just feel the scratching and then I separately evaluate it - and since the evaluation is different from different people I know the thought is separat from the event )the feeling/sensation).      (Right now this seems hard to me to write this.  Let's see if I can see more clearly, differentiate.  I actually feel tired, I think.  But it is not likely that I am really tired.  I just got enough sleep.  I must be misinterpreting something.  My headachy, full sinus feeling has a little pain, seems to make me feel confused.  my primitive mind might think, this is a threat, i need to protect against it...  i may not always know the feeling specifically since it is not a clear message from a primitive non-speaker.  We have some primitive communication, and seemingly some translation of...

so I have to put it into words

let me separate this out now.

I need to breathe deeply into my chest and move around.  I need to rotate my shoulder to feel better.  I need to soak my sinuses in hot wet towel, that has worked before.
I need to drink a glass of water.  I could be a bit dehydrated from sleeping.

i rotated my arms for 30 seconds, I feel a surge of energy.  I feel better.  I got some coffee, ate some cerelal.  Now I'm staring to feel better.  Now I can say "I feel more like doing some writing.' (but really it is "iam not so distracted by my feeling bad, so I have energy and attention to give to something else.        . 

confuesed vague (can't solve an undefined problem!)
distinctions, so that you can differentiate (see the differences and solve via the differences.)