I transcribed these off one of my ancient smartphones, from the audio section.  I had listened to these at a crucial, rather tense time.  It was a while back, before I had fully developed a much higher level of knowledge.  Anyway, I thought, even without my editing these, that they might provide the idea of something that you could do that would be very beneficial for you.

Listening to the recordings was far, far easier than trying to read off of a sheet of paper - and, besides, I could also see all my choices right there in one place. 

I would recommend that you quickly, without trying to perfect what you are doing, edit and plagiarize what you can from this - and make recordings for your own use.  If you try to design something really, really good, you'll never get started.  I guarantee that the benefits will be great.

When listening to the recordings, I noticed that it was said with enthusiasm, certainty, and variation of emphasis.  I'd listen to one or two before starting the day - and the tension of the situation seemed not to affect me much, as I was fully grounded. 

This is all part of a "library" of improved conversations that is in the Contents/links Specific Affirmations, Conversations, Statements


It's All OK And Wonderful
Confidence - Short
Exercise Affs
Gratitude 1
My Ground Of Being
My Proclamation Of Emancipation From Fear
Self Build Totally
Stop Negative Conversation (includes some really good stuff)
Who I Am


It's all ok and it's wonderful.
I hereby give up the ego of looking good, of being approved of, having to be any one thing or having to be better.
For I am hereby declaring myself ok and declaring what I think is what matters.
And my loving self is what matters.
Loving my child and knowing that there is no existing criteria for thinking I am wrong.
I am simply being.
I am simply doing what I know best to do at the time.  I am never the problem.  It is the lack of awareness that is the problem and I am simply doing my best to increase that awareness so that I can live my life my life and my mission and benefit as many people as I can.
I need never again judge anything I do or think.
And I surely have no need to judge others.  Just to love them or let them be.  Whatever is appropriate in my judgement as it is at the time.
I simply seek to do what works and if it doesn't work then I try something else. I simply tell my truth, not compromising my values, living into the truth as I best know it, always realizing there is a better way, always seeking, but always with gratitude for what I have.
My security base lies in my knowing that I can still breathe (until I stop, in which case I have nothing to worry about).  That I can still love myself, my inner child, that I can still stimulate my brain self and fulfill my heart self.  And enjoy doing activities that are pleasurable or fulfilling or in some way serve me.
I own the sunlight, the trees, the birds, the air and I am simply blessed to live in this world for whatever time I am in it.  And right now I AM IN IT.  And I feel pure joy at knowing that.


Absolute confidence.  I know that I can always create what I truly want.  That inner peace, some amusements, love, health, .  I choose happiness and love no matter what.  I am truly blessed with great capabilities. 


I can visualize myself and see myself clearly in better shape, exercising, and eating well.  I can see myself as I wake up earlier to take a morning walk on the treadmill.  I start with some stretching and then I let my mind relax as I take a good walk.  The day is beautiful and I am inspired that I am me. With each step I take I feel I am getting closer to myself.  My stomach is tighter from the daily crunches I have been doing. And I can feel myself standing taller, because I am proud to be me.  Finishing, I smile, knowing I am in control of myself .  I have more energy and feel more power over my life.  I smile more all day.  And all my relationships are getting better as a result.  I am happy, my body is lighter and I have lost weight, but more than that I feel great!  I get ready for creating my day and I look sharp and alert.  I look great and I glow with energy.  I always remember the rule of 20 when I run every day or I do aerobic dancing.  I eat better.  I do not eat after 8 pm.  I go to my workout classes.  I do yoga.  I eat slowly.  I eat only off of a plate and only sitting down and no eating in the car.   I drink a glass of water 30 minutes before eating.  I only eat one serving.  Before I eat I ask myself if I am hungry and I cut the snacking all day.  I eat regularly throughout the day.  And I write down what I eat and there is no drinking alcohol.  I do crunches.  I take advantage of my exercise equipment.  I really do the visualizations and recite my affirmations, affirmations that I like.
I am 14 lbs lighter and I am a healthy person.  I cut the negative self talk.  In front of the mirror I cut the negative self look and I look at myself admiringly. [quite effective]
I am growing stronger every day  I am growing stronger every day.  I am growing stronger every day. 
I am slender and in great shape.  I am slender and in great shape.  I am slender and in great shape.
I am more good looking every day.  I am more good looking every day.  I am more good looking every day.
I am healthy and eat only things that are good for me. I am healthy and eat only things that are good for me. I am healthy and eat only things that are good for me.
Everyone finds me attractive.  Everyone finds me attractive. Everyone finds me attractive.
The more I do for myself the more I like myself. The more I do for myself the more I like myself. The more I do for myself the more I like myself.
I love being in shape and having energy   I love being in shape and having energy I absolutely love being in shape and having energy.
I love my body and I am getting better and better every day.  I love my body and I am getting better and better every day.  I love my body and I am getting better and better every day
I am growing stronger each day and it is making every area of my life better.  I am growing stronger each day and it is making every area of my life better. I am growing stronger each day and it is making every area of my life better.
I eat when I am hungry. I eat when I am hungry. I eat when I am hungry.
I take time and enjoy my meals. I take time and enjoy my meals. I take time and enjoy my meals.
I love myself, my life and being me. I love myself, my life and being me. I love myself, my life and being me.


I am grateful for the sun, the warmth, the lake, the great home, the beauty of      and her sweetness to people and her trying so hard, for ____ my brother, my sister, J, C, R, P, D, S, D, C, B, J .  I am grateful for the freedom I have to do all that I want to do, for my car, and the wind with the top down, for my new vision, for the health I have, for the wisdom I have, for Landmark, for those people who try so hard to create a better world.   I am so grateful that I had loving parents.  I am grateful for the privilege of being with my Mom , for her loving, for her giving, and for her trying so hard for her to do what was best for us.  I am grateful for my Dad and his caring and for his wanting us to be successful, for his sense of humor.  I am so grateful for the gift of life, for the miracle computer within that I have been given, for the incredible systems in my body.  For the ability to experience and the power to create.
It's all a wonderful gift and I am so grateful.

MY GROUND OF BEING - (Most of this I read from this written piece on the site:  see the written one: My Ground Of Being.  So I'll not repeat it here.)

My ground of being.  Since I can choose to be anything I want...


(Slightly modified from the written piece….

My proclamation of emancipating from fear. 

I see life through lenses.  What I see is just perception and not reality.

I make it all up.  And I get to totally and freely choose what to make up, including all my beliefs.

There is, indeed, nothing to fear.  What happens happens.  I am clear that I am fully capable of generating and handling my life no matter what occurs .  And I accept that I cannot control all outcomes.

And I am not outcome dependent as I create what I need to create.
I create what I need to create!
I see that there is nothing to judge, as that serves no higher purpose.

Fear and judgment no longer serve a useful enough purpose for me.  I love them for trying to protect me and I choose more useful beliefs and methods.  I let them go, now and forever. 

I now simply look and then assess what is wanted by me and what serves my purposes. I then choose as best I can, knowing the outcome is always unknown and always just what is.

I give up the use of fear now and forever. 

Whatever the outcome, I simply use it as a stepping stone (the only one that is next, anyway!) to go forward from, as my current reality.  I do not wish for any other reality, for there is no other reality.  Then I just choose happiness and to fully embrace life as it is.

All outcomes are only outcomes.  From them I simply create what is next.  I have wants and preference and I can assess that there are some things I do not prefer, but I never choose out of fear or judgment.

Something happens.  I ask:

   What’s so, now?
   So what? [I’ll live, at least until I don’t.]
   Now what?  [What’s next that I can create?]

There is nothing wrong with me.  I am simply as I am, as far down the path as I am, and doing the best I can within the current limits of my awareness.  I am ok as I am.  My task is simply to increase my awareness, to appreciate life even more.

I am fully capable.  I am the one who powerfully assesses and chooses. 

I have no fear, just preferences.

I need not prove anything or get anyone to do anything.  I am not dependent on anyone or any thing to do something for me or to me.  I create it all.

I no longer need someone else’s approval at all.  I no longer need to manipulate others to do things for me.

There is nothing to fear.

I grab what I want for this life.  I cherish and value each moment as a precious gift.  I fully utilize it.  I fully live it – without any fear.

I will not settle for less than full happiness overall.  I go for and mostly get what I want, but I’m not dependent on getting it.  I’ll do the best I can and that is plenty good enough – and I’ll exercise absolute dominion over my happiness.

For no other purpose than I want to and enjoy doing so, I flow love and support to others.  I am what I want in the world.  I create my whole world (of great make believes!) as I want it, without any compromise or fear.

I trust that I will do as needed, to the degree I can.  I choose to be alert, present, relaxed, like a master of martial arts.  Being sure to be sensitive to  and adjust back to being in a highly resourceful state.

I am the one who creates it all.
I create plenty.
I create a healthy body and a healthy mind.

I create what and who I am.
I am in charge and my choice is to create happiness.

Yes, I’d prefer 'vanilla'  and I choose happiness no matter what!

I simply ask in life “what do I want?” and let that be my guide.  When needed for clarity of decision, I ask, “Is it love or fear?”  and I choose love always.
I manifest results easily and effortlessly with clear intention and clarity of purpose.

I remain in a state of relaxed readiness. I am sure to return to it if I sense being off of it. I need no longer hold tension in my body in anticipation or apprehension, as I can totally handle any outcome.  I will be as ready as I am and will handle and manage my life as best I can and choose happiness  and love and embrace life fully.  I am ever-growing and becoming more of a Karate master in life.

I live fully.
I have no fears.
I am free of judgments, by myself or others.
Life is effortless and easy and wonderful.
And I choose happiness no matter what!


I feel terrific!  I feel terrific!  I feel terrific!
I am having a great day. I am having a great day.  I am having a great day.
The day is mine.  The day is mine.  This day is mine!
I have the power to affect my day and make positive things happen.  I have the power to affect my day and make positive things happen.  I have the power to affect my day and make positive things happen.
I am a great person.  I am smart and fun to be with.  And people have a great time around me!  I carry an interesting conversation and have a lot of intelligent insight to offer.
I take good care of myself and I dress well.  My clothes are clean and I have style.
I smile a lot and affect a room with my smiles and laughter.
I am in good shape and love to be active.
I wake up with energy and do my job well and treat my relationships with  enthusiasm.

I deserve my success and happiness.

I like myself as I am today.  I like myself as I am today.  I like myself as I am today.
I am getting better and better every day.   I am getting better and better every day.
I am getting better and better every day.
All my relationships are improving as I infuse them with my positive attitude. All my relationships are improving as I infuse them with my positive attitude.  All my relationships are improving as I infuse them with my positive attitude.
I feel good about myself.  I feel good about myself. I feel good about myself.
The more I love myself the more love I can give. The more I love myself the more love I can give.  The more I love myself the more love I can give.

The more love I give the more love I receive. The more love I give the more love I receive. The more love I give the more love I receive.

People like me …and I like myself.  People like me …and I like myself.  People like me …and I like myself.

I am making good choices and those choices are improving and directing my career. I am making good choices and those choices are improving and directing my career. I am making good choices and those choices are improving and directing my career.

When I hear myself or someone else say "I can't", I say of course I can!  When I hear myself or someone else say "I can't", I say of course I can!  When I hear myself or someone else say "I can't", I say of course I can!

I know that my life will become what I think about.  I am choosing to think about my life in a positive light and my life is becoming positive all around me as a result.  I know that my life will become what I think about.  I am choosing to think about my life in a positive light and my life is becoming positive all around me as a result.
I know that my life will become what I think about.  I am choosing to think about my life in a positive light and my life is becoming positive all around me as a result.

I don't get mad at myself when a negative thought sneaks into my head.  I simply choose to think of something positive instead.  I don't get mad at myself when a negative thought sneaks into my head.  I simply choose to think of something positive instead.  I don't get mad at myself when a negative thought sneaks into my head.  I simply choose to think of something positive instead.

I know I can achieve anything in which I conceive and believe. I know I can achieve anything in which I conceive and believe.  I know I can achieve anything in which I conceive and believe.

I am putting in the effort to make the results I want to have happen in life.consistently.
I am putting in the effort to make the results I want to have happen in life.consistently.
I am putting in the effort to make the results I want to have happen in life.consistently.

I have the power to decide my attitude. I have the power to decide my attitude. I have the power to decide my attitude.

I do not react.  I am making the decision to be proactive.  I do not react.  I am making the decision to be proactive.  I do not react.  I am making the decision to be proactive.

I always consider the results before I take an action.   I always consider the results before I take an action.  I always consider the results before I take an action.

I am a healthy person and take care of myself. I am a healthy person and take care of myself.  I am a healthy person and take care of myself.

I am grateful for my life and the people and things in it. I am grateful for my life and the people and things in it. I am grateful for my life and the people and things in it.

My attitude is my decision.   My attitude is my decision.  My attitude is my decision.

My life is my decision. My life is my decision.  My life is my de decision.

Whenever I have doubt I  only have to remind myself that I have the power to decide. Whenever I have doubt I  only have to remind myself that I have the power to decide. Whenever I have doubt I  only have to remind myself that I have the power to decide.

I have the power to decide what happens in my life. I have the power to decide what happens in my life. I have the power to decide what happens in my life.

I accept the things that I cannot change and I simply move on. I accept the things that I cannot change and I simply move on. I accept the things that I cannot change and I simply move on.
I use my power to change the things I can. I use my power to change the things I can. I use my power to change the things I can.

I am happy and I love to be alive.  I am happy and I love to be alive.  I am happy and I love to be alive. 

I deserve success. I deserve success.  I deserve success. 

I deserve to be happy.  I deserve to be happy.  I deserve to be happy.  I deserve to be happy.  I deserve to be happy.  I deserve to be happy. 

I deserve a healthy and happy relationship. I deserve a healthy and happy relationship.
I deserve a healthy and happy relationship.  I deserve a healthy and happy relationship.
I deserve a healthy and happy relationship.  I deserve a healthy and happy relationship.

I deserve to love and be happy with myself.  I deserve to love and be happy with myself.  I deserve to love and be happy with myself.  I deserve to love and be happy with myself. 

I am powerful and believe in myself.  I am powerful and believe in myself. I am powerful and believe in myself. I am powerful and believe in myself. I am powerful and believe in myself. I am powerful and believe in myself.

I am grateful for the sun, the warmth, the lake, the great home, the beauty of      and her sweetness to people and her trying so hard, for ____ my brother,  L, J, C, R, P, D, S, D, C, B, J .  I am grateful for the freedom I have to do all that I want to do, for my car, and the wind with the top down, for my new vision, for the health I have, for the wisdom I have, for Landmark, for those people who try so hard to create a better world.   I am so grateful that I had loving parents.  I am so very grateful for the privilege of being with my Mom , for her loving, for her giving, and for her trying so hard for her to do what was best for us.  I am grateful for my Dad and his caring and for his wanting us to be successful, for his sense of humor.  I am so grateful for the gift of life, for the miracle computer within that I have been given, for the incredible systems in my body.  For the ability to experience and the power to create.
It's all a wonderful gift and I am so grateful.


Stop!  I refuse to entertain you, negative thoughts!   You are not true! 

I am good, whole and complete.  I am grateful for life and now I choose to progress.   I am in charge here. 

Stop!  I refuse to entertain you, negative thoughts!   They are only made up and I refuse to give them credibility or treat them as the truth.

The truth, the facts are that I have been given much and I have the power to choose, that I am powerful.  I am the one who runs my life.  And not the primitive content of the lower brains!!!

I realize that I am ok and that the mind makes up things.

My mind was designed to protect and raise caution flags but the primitive part is in a fog just jumping around, doing whatever it can to have me survive.  I shall see what it says but I shall not believe it, I shall not believe made ups!   I will not take them as the truth! I refuse to let anything get me down.

I accept that I am a limited being in physical and time.  I accept who I am.  AND I recognize that there is so much that I am capable of and so much more that I can add to my life . 

I realize I must do certain things to fill my basic needs to eat and I honor those things.  There is no justification to think less of myself, to not honor myself, for I do what I do and know what I know and can do no more nor know more than that.

I have so much and I will honor that always.

I am whole and complete.

I have a miracle body that functions on automatic  with millions of functions.  I have the greatest computer in the universe.   I have the ability to cause things.  I am powerful.  I can choose to use that power or not

My choice is that I do use that power. 

I am energy.  I am power.  I create the experience of it all.  I see the wonder of it all!

Life is a great gift.  A magnificent privilege.  And I refuse to think any less of it or squander it in stupid ways.    I am human and part of that is not being part of a hardwired human machine and this means that I make mistakes from imperfect knowledge and that is ok, as that is part of the process.  I learn gradually and that there are always things I do not know at any one time .

But the beauty is in what I do know…and what I can do…which is an incredible amount that would fill many books.

And living in the world itself is a wonderful gift.   And I am so grateful for  it all.

I am grateful for the sun, the warmth, the lake, the great home, the beauty of      and her sweetness to people and her trying so hard, for ____ my brother,  L, J, C, R, P, D, S, D, C, B, J .  I am grateful for the freedom I have to do all that I want to do, for my car, and the wind with the top down, for my new vision, for the health I have, for the wisdom I have, for Landmark, for those people who try so hard to create a better world.   I am so grateful that I had loving parents.  I am so very grateful for the privilege of being with my Mom , for her loving, for her giving, and for her trying so hard for her to do what was best for us.  I am grateful for my Dad and his caring and for his wanting us to be successful, for his sense of humor.  I am so grateful for the gift of life, for the miracle computer within that I have been given, for the incredible systems in my body.  For the ability to experience and the power to create.
It's all a wonderful gift and I am so grateful.


Who I am.  This is Keith Garrick.   This is who I am that is truly a  part of me, permanently.

I am a good, honest, loving, and caring man.  I am very intelligent and capable of figuring out, if I give the time,  how to do virtually anything. 

I am very responsive and willing to please my partner.  I avidly seek what is good and in the process I create positive benefits for others.

I am fully capable of doing more than what is sufficient to create my happiness no matter what.

This is who I am.

I need not be more, for this  is more than sufficient.