
FOR IMPLEMENTATION:  This is a listing of the steps, followed by a complete discussion of the steps.  In order to implement the steps, you'll need a system, which essentially boils down to a workbook that carries you through the process.  See the links to the left for the workbook and for some pieces you can use to facilitate the specific steps.  


The Steps
Detailed discussion of each of the steps


(No mystery here, but there are some steps people do not complete!  This can be used as a checklist.)

See the discussion of the steps that follow this listing!


     __ Decide "what is of value" to you, prioritize, and then insist on achieving the highest impact items!!!
     __ Do a “fantastical” visualization, in writing (all the senses, actually seeing the results)
     __ From that, generate a “if I were operating at my top capability…” visualization – 
            practical and possible but a stretch.

II.  GENERATING IDEAS, strategies or even more outcomes

     __ Generate ideas on how to achieve what is desired – 
           Brainstorming (creative, no bad ideas, “way out” is good).
     __ Sift through ideas and choose which ones, modifying way-out ones to doable ones.

III. BELIEF – Train mind to trust self 

     __ Affirmations/statements (first correct the beliefs)
          (see also a training tool, covering all of life:  free 90-day coaching, toolstolife evaluation)  
     __ Develop competencies that one can trust to get the results one wants

IV. PLAN all pieces, written, use all experts and resources one can

     __ Setting up a strong foundation upon which to stand and depend on. 
          __ Completing the grounding and understanding in The Only Sure Path To The Greatest Life.
     __ What skills, competencies are needed - and a learning/development program
          __ Specific ones appropriate to arrive at the goal
          __ Overall skills that have oneself manage time, priorities, and motivation
      __ What it takes to be successful in getting that particular result
           __ Take on the traits, the actions, getting the knowledge that people who are successful in that area.
      __ Support
              __ Systems
              __ People
      __ Remove the barriers (behaviors, false limiting beliefs, obstacles)
      The doing
           __ Support network, resources set up
           __ Best target markets decided
           __ Marketing pieces, selling pieces – why “buy”
      __ The decision to 
            __ "Complete" what is started, all the way to the end
            __ Set up and follow committed focus periods on key impact items, without diversion
      __ Projection of results, by period (milestones)
           __bDetermine its feasibility and likelihood of success

V.  VISUALIZATION OF SUCCESS – How it feels, detailed imagery (senses, results) - See discussion , below.

VI. EXECUTE the steps

VII. FEEDBACK, RAPID CORRECTION/IMPROVEMENT,    Vital, without it there is no/little success!!!!

     __ Harvest feedback - Look/notice, reflect/askquestions, decide what to do, lay out steps ("plan"), do it.
     __ Set up a system/process to assure you look and then follow up on what is seen!
           __ Measure against projections
          __ Accountability with a “partner” or “coach” or cheerleader in the process

VIII. CELEBRATION – Always do this when results are achieved, as an imprint on the 
    mind and the emotions.


Not all steps are required, but it is useful to do them all.  Use your judgment, but if it is an important objective, planning is absolutely essential.


You, of course, want the best outcome possible (for the effort paid).  Having this be at the highest level possible and at the clearest possible is what will create a great life of great accumulated outcomes.  Expanded the thinking so that there is an opening to identify an even greater outcome and/or process for the outcome is essential – thus the “fantastical” visualization is recommended (see the explanation in Section V. below) so that you can “stretch” yourself, becoming even more of the person you can become.  And the only target that can be hit well is a clear, definite, fully described target.  Then the fun begins!


Napoleon Hill, and many since him, talks of the enormous power of having "master mind groups", where, in full alignment, individuals in a group contribute ideas, energy, advice, etc. to each other.  This is a process that is so very important that I recommend you do whatever it takes to set these up on a regular basis.

AND, you can simply set up individual sessions where you do "brainstorming". 

BRAINSTORMING – Green light!!!!

Group size:  Just yourself; yourself and one other person; up to 6 or so in a group.

Format:  See Problem Solving Forms  .  (Summarize what is 

Why bother?

Simply because you don’t know it all.  Also, the “green light” (open to anything) part gives permission to think “outside the box” and come up with new ideas (and/or derive feasible ideas from some of the unfeasible, way-out ideas that are allowed and encouraged in the green light portion!).

Who to include

People who will be the most helpful, as this is not a social nicety or bonding type of thing (though bonding will occur!).  If you’re a metaphysical or intellectual type, then include people who are results-getters.  If you’re a results-getter, then include other results-getters but also a few metaphysical or intellectual types (or even eccentrics).  The objective is to get new ideas and to go beyond normal restricted thinking.

A side effect is that the participants will tend to “enroll” in your cause and are likely to support it with funds or advice or efforts.

What to do

     Green light it:  Tell everyone this is “green light” with no negatives, no stops.   No suggestion would be addressed as not being something possible.  (Later, after the “green light” portion, you can see what is not feasible and then prioritize.)
     Let others talk most of the time:  Don’t spend time talking, as you’re there for their ideas, not to be right or to look good by coming up with ideas or excuses, etc.     Spend as little time as possible explaining the basic problem, passion, and other specifics.  Others should do 80%, at least, of the talking, with you asking questions.
     Take notes!:  Be sure to write notes – shows respect, that you are taking it seriously

(Consider also a “Master Mind Group”  as proposed by the master of success, Napoleon Hill.  How To Set Up A Mastermind Group.  For a downloadable book Mastermind Groups.) 

Use this form also:  Challenges - 20 Ideas From Self Brainstorming (in 15 minutes)


What does this mean and how “far out” do my beliefs have to be?

While it may be a good idea, it may not be realistically workable for many people to believe they can within three months construct the largest building in the world or some version of a fantasy of any sort.  

If an adopted belief is “unbelievable”, it will be “unbelieved” (not believed)!!!  

And one cannot apply The Secret to have things be magnetized to come to one, unless one is a highly, highly developed yogi.  The belief necessary is much simpler and less mystical than many people believe. 

There are two parts to constructing the beliefs that actually work.

The first is believing in yourself.  To do this, one must practice doing things where one actually follows through (even if it fails, as it is about oneself not about the outcome).  This requires developing good habits and practices (see site)  and using such vehicles as in toolstolife evaluation to develop confidence in oneself.

The second is simply understanding and recognizing the truism that if anyone else can do it, you can also.  The only thing that is required is to learn and do what the other successful person(s) did.  All you need is the basic human brain to do it.  The choice to do it is yours and it is definitely within your grasp, if you’re willing to do what it takes.

IV.  PLAN  (“Assembly Required”) – All the pieces, written, using all the support one can.  (Use the Planning Forms, organizing it like this: The Components Of Any Plan.)

It helps to have the instructions on what to do and when.  And without all the steps (or ingredients) the result cannot be produced (just like baking a cake).  

To Use For Guidance

Six-week Start-Up, Rhonda Abrams.  Excellent forms and guidance.
What Business Should I Start?, Rhonda Abrams.  Objective and should help you figure out whether or not to go into a new business.  See website, below.
      Website:  For planning forms, including pre-set up  
                       Includes Rhonda Abrams books and materials (with pre-set up Excel 
                       worksheets) your business plan.


And how (thru what means) will I learn it?  Answer these questions, since an inadequately skilled person can’t bake a cake or build a building.


All successful ongoing people or companies have systems that support one in accomplishing, tracking, controlling, managing – anywhere from checklists (even to do lists), time management systems  to how to sell to and treat the customer.

Smart “partnering” is a vital skill for success – learn it well and you’ll be successful at virtually any endeavor.  The people who support you of course need to be suitable.  Use results-getters for results support.  Use experts for expert advice (or their teachings). Use cheerleaders for cheering you on, but don’t mistake their well-meaning advice for expertise.  Definitely involve those who can support you financially in the planning and advice process, as they will be more likely to support you with money – plus it is appropriate to not only involve them, but to keep them informed on progress and thanked in the process. 

Who is good at getting the word out?  Seek advice and help from them.  


 Don’t seek something from somebody who doesn’t have it or much of it.  When raising funds, it’s easier and more effective to target the higher dollar possibilities – if you need coaching on how to do that, get that coaching.  


Anything in writing should be really, really great and impactful.  It should be refined and tested – use your allies and other supporters for feedback and suggestions (and those who provide you with money).  Consider seriously only the feedback from people who are grounded sufficiently in the areas they are giving you feedback in.  Your piece should have an “emotional” buy-in.  If it is something you are passionate about, make that passion clear and understandable.  And it must express what the benefits are to others, whether it be the customers or the world.


This is your “map” for progress and it must be there in order to see how you are doing.  Are you going fast enough?  Do you need to correct course to meet your total goals?  Only these can be answered if there is something to compare progress to!

V.  THE VISUALIZATIONS (= Seeing it clearly and fully) (See Visualization.)

What is a visualization?

It is a process of making up a dream (while awake) in which you are the participant actually living the life or the part of life that you want to come about.  You see through your own eyes (most of the time).  You smell things.  You see the details in the room.  You experience people responding to you, even applauding you or smiling at you or …?  You can feel your body, your cheeks, your jaw, the power, the energy.  You walk a certain way and move a certain way.  You say things a certain way and hear others talk to you.  It is as complete as if you were actually in the situation.  

Describing it aloud into a recording device and then writing it out (adding to it) is one of the methods.  Another is just to write it directly and then modify it as you wish.  Reading the visualization you’ve chosen (if you’ve done several levels) as your master visualization should be done until “imprinted” (21 days?).  

Why bother?

As you visualize you begin to fill in more details, but the key, less tangible purpose is to increase your motivation as you see what you are going towards and how you will feel.  How you will feel is your primary motivation in life and if you see it clearly then you will be more motivated to go to it.  Seeing it clearly empowers you to offset it against the short term tendency to go “off purpose” to relieve one’s anxiety or suffering by diversion into something that feels better in the moment (e.g. procrastination).  

Why start with the “fantastical” visualization?

The “fantastical” visualization is the one where there are no limits.  You can bring in space ships or leap over tall buildings or whatever you can imagine to achieve the results you want.  This removes the limited thinking and creates new ideas, plus it relieves pressure to come up with what is right and workable.  

See the Visions and Dreams section of the ABOUT ME NOTEBOOK  for the piece on visualizing the ideal.  

Why do a “top capability” visualization?

Again, the purpose is to not allow you to have your restricted thinking “rule” (limit you).
Your assessment of what your top capability is, without your limiting beliefs, is a realistic view of what you can do in life – and that is what we want to go for.  At the very least, we will grow bigger than we were before and play the game more powerfully – never returning to how small we played before.

You can also create a modified-down version, but select one of the visualizations to base your plan on.


Do what is in the plan, as much on time as possible, and modify as needed.  Doing something new will, just as in learning how to walk, create “falling down” – so one needs to just get up and proceed, but with a new strategy from what was just learned by doing it wrong.  


“What is expected doesn’t cause as much to be done as what is inspected.”  Measure what is done against the plan, so you can correct.  While you are accountable to yourself, having accountability to an outside person, especially one who will frankly confront the situation, produces much better results – plus having a cheerleader and/or supporter  helps to add energy.  

In the planning process, one should have set milestones, so that when one has gotten to a certain level or a certain time has expired, one can compare results to see what needs to be modified.  

[The champion, whether it be in sports or in other endeavors, is the one who seeks frequent feedback and makes many timely adjustments so that he/she can perfect what is being done.  “Feedback is, indeed, the ‘Breakfast Of Champions’”.]

This is why so many high achievers hire coaches.  The coaches are not “consultants” in the field of endeavor, but they are trained to ask the right questions and to get you on track again.  The cheerleading effect, given that we are human, is more significant than one might think.  Don’t go it alone!


The super-achievers and the hard working Puritan ethic types, among others, often do not know and/or appreciate the importance of this step.  It keeps one going emotionally whether it is in the middle of the project or you’re onto the next project.  Burnout often occurs when humans drive hard but do not rest – we are not built that way, physically or emotionally.  

Besides that, celebration and acknowledgment and appreciation should be done just for the sake of feeling good – which is part of the happiness process!  


Follow these steps and you are bound to get good results.  Use the planning formats on the site.  

Read also What Is MIssing In "The Success Process: From The Idea To The Result", for those who have not yet achieved much success, so they can discover what they are not doing that they should be doing, or what they are doing that sabotages success– and the relevant pieces in the Success Contents/Links page. 

How long should it take? 

It depends entirely on the complexity and difficulty involved.  

Whatever you do you must feel that your plan is complete enough to guide you successfully to the result – and one of the best ways to know if it is complete enough is to run it by an objective, qualified person to see if he/she understands it and could operate effectively from it.  (A super big reason for lack of success is that people fall short by stopping before they have reached completion. [Duh!]  You can't get somewhere if you don't follow all the steps to complete the journey!  See Completion.  Note that "power" is the use of energy to get a result.  It is certainly not powerful to stop before getting the result!  But many do - and they wonder why success hasn't come "to them".)

SEARCHBLOGPathsLife Mgmt PhilosophyPhysicalPlan,TimePsychRel8shipsSuccess

Success In Life Directory - And a program to follow, with all of the elements for success.


 - Use these forms.   

Creating The Desired Results - The Process - This is the process for creating a specific result, identifying the problem in the case where previous tries failed or starting from "what is desired" and then filling in what is necessary in terms of ways of being and actions.  It includes what I need to learn, building support systems, strengthening my practices.   



​See the discussion that follows the listing of steps in the main column.