The reference numbering system to have these organized:  .  See discussion, below the schematic.  

Reference: Becoming The Person You Want To Be, Contents, Links.

Just scan these to generally note the "pieces" and then read the descriptions below the
schematic.  Use this also as a checklist of areas for you to make sure are working well and
to see what else you need to put in your plan of action.



These are all components of you, in a sense, for you to make explicit - and to deal with them if that would improve your life. The best way to approach this is to set up half hour sessions and then write as fast as you can without worrying about being perfect or complete, with no more than 10 minutes per list - you can come back later if you want to add items or make it better.

This is an inventory of your life and how you are living it.   It is a necessary step in identifying what to keep in stock and what to get rid of (solve), in order to have your life not be cluttered with old used dysfunctional inventory and to replace it with stuff that works wonderfully.   Use this as a checklist for now, although you could rate the area on a 1 (not good) to 10 (very good) basis, to help you prioritize what to address.

I would recommend that you put them in a three ring binder called "Planning", perhaps putting them in the order they are in in the LifePlan Table Of Contents.   (How to set up a Life Notebook System)


__ Problems List - Break this on to two different lists, where one deals only with real, physical problems that are objectively identifiable with the scientific method, e.g. overweight, blood pressure, sugar level, etc.   The second is to be labeled "Imaginary" to differentiate as to what is in the "made-up in the mind" category, e.g. low self-esteem, bad past, discouraged, not good enough, overwhelmed, etc.
You'll prioritize the problems by importance and urgency and then you'll take the top ones and work on solving them, using the problem solving forms provided or your own. 

__ Fears List - Again, two lists.  One is about physical things that are threatened in some way.  I'm afraid I'll be burglarized is in the physical category, though you'll have to address the hyped-up part of the imagined danger versus accepting it; the other side is setting up a security system or better locks or a routine that makes it look occupied.  The other list is to be labeled Fears In The Imaginary Realm.  This contains things like "I'll be rejected and that will mean....", "someone will see how messy my place is...", "what will they think of me", "I'm afraid I'll never overcome this habit...", etc. 

__ Beliefs List - This is a record of your beliefs, usually just the ones that cause problems, but it is ok to put positive ones ("people are basically good") but these beliefs are often broken into categories.  Since beliefs cause emotions, you could list the beliefs that cause a particular emotion or set of emotions.  Mad, sad, glad, scared are broad categories.   Guilt and shame could be a category.  Best if these lists are separate by categories or types.  See the Beliefs Contents/Links for ideas and for actual beliefs.  The point here is to handle those prioritized as the most impactful, by using the forms and methods provided.  One way to discover beliefs is simply to keep a thoughts log, especially of those thoughts that were involved around a negative emotion. 

     __ Core beliefs statements - See the section, but they are usually something like "I'm not good enough" or "I'm not worthy

__ Badness List - List everything you're bad for, bad at, evil thoughts, bad things you do, etc.  Alot of this is around beliefs.

__ Thinking Errors List - These are errors in cognition (perception), where you misperceive things or bias them, and where you are not objectively being accurate.  They ordinarily lead to wrong conclusions and stress.

__ Stories Lists - These are what you make up "about" something, like the reason why you have a particular bad habit or think a certain way, or why someone wronged you or why your life was so awful.  Letting go of those stories is a key part of growing up and becoming effective (though some people hide them so well and look powerful even though the stories are affecting them).  

__ Excuses, Reasons List - These are reasons why not or something trying to get yourself off of the hook.  Almost never used by powerful people.

__ Barriers, Obstacles Lists - Traditionally done in all strategic plans, as one must address them to be successful in business or in life.  They are anything you think is getting in the way.  Bad boss, don't have enough time, feel trapped financially with no flexibility, etc.  Some barriers and obstacles are "real" and others are imaginary, but all the top ones need to be handled if one wants a good life.  My Biggest Obstacles Worksheet.

__ Messes List -  These are simply what they sound like, situations and spaces you've let go into being messy (out of order, dysfunctional, etc.)  It could be unsolved computer maintenance problems, a relationship you haven't fixed, something you need to tell somebody, unfiled stuff, financial worksheets, something not checked on that might cause a problem, etc.  Prioritize them by importance and deal with those - and you may have to choose to let the lower ones go by.  Of course, anything worth dealing with that is urgent, you'd handle.  If you only handle the top priority items, so be it, at least you will have made some impact. 


The top part of this column is about stuff that is not understood and/or not learned or worked out. 
The bottom part is the negative stuff you carry around with you, mostly needlessly, often exaggerated in importance, and not accepted.  

__ Essential misunderstandings/never-understoods.   Somebody else might (probably) have to help you with this.  It is something important to understand.  For instance, believing that an event causes emotions directly is an error in fact, that may get in the way of taking responsibility for one's emotions and beliefs.  Thinking that the brain is anything more than a mechanical machine/computer may cause one to attribute power to mysterious forces.  Referring to yourself as having an inner child, though cute as an expression, may get in the way of your assuming full responsibility.  Get help on this one - and don't dispute the input you get!  Consider it.

__ Need to learn list - What do you need to learn in order to get what you want out of life.  Prioritize it and then go about learning the top ones.  Emotional intelligence should be learned if you have an anger problem.  Beliefs changing process may have to be learned if you are experiencing fear or rage or shame, etc.  How to do a website may be needed if you're not getting results on your site or want to develop one.     Etc.

__ Essential Life skills to learn - Typically overlooked in making a need to learn list.

__ Philosophy Of Life defined and written down - Without a clear philosophy one cannot live life clearly, definitely, or effectively.  This bleeds over into the psychology area and into beliefs, some of which are included in your philosophy.

__ The Negatives Portfolio - The opposite, of course, of the Positives Portfolio, where you carry around with you all the negatives you have, ready for showing at any time, though usually not for a good result.  This would include your weaknesses (a separate list), what you hate, who you hate, negative beliefs about yourself and the world (a separate list), dishonest things you've done, your bad traits and character weakenesses, bad habits, bad memories, why your life is so bad (a story, likely to be on that list, but a part of your negativities portfolio for sure),


__ Habits, Behaviors, Disciplines List - List very quickly what comes to mind.  Usually this is a giant dump of negatives (which can be added to your Negatives Portfolio, but which should be addressed.  Good habits and behaviors are good to list, though they could be put on a separate list and added to your Positives Portfolio. 

__ Management Of Body And Mind - How do you do in those two areas?  Do you need to learn more about how they work, so that you are likely to be a better manager?  Do you abuse your body or your mind?  Do you know how to manage the mind?

__ Activities List - Your activities should be managed, too, and low payoff or harmful ones should be eliminated.  See the worksheet and listing of items to choose from and rate in Activities - Their Value

__ Positives Portfolio - Use this link to go to that page explaining what this is and what to include in that portfolio.  You've got to have this portfolio to replace the Negatives Portfolio, at least for what you dip into and/or pull out to present to the world.


__ The Plan To Get All You Want Out Of LIfe - The "LifePlan" is about getting all together in a coordinated way so that you'll live at least 400% more of the good stuff in life, and with drastically less suffering.

__ Goals, Wants List - List everything you want to achieve or have.  Let yourself go crazy with this.  Then prioritize and doing "timing" with them, creating a bucket list as you go plus maybe an unlimited dreams list (to play with).  And then go get the priorities, but have fun at it, for it all is only icing on the cake and be clear it is not the cake!  See What I Have, For Sure.

__ Models And Mentors List - Who do I have now and who could be added to the list for potentials to follow, copy, and/or be with?

__ Monitor: Progress, Obstacles - Feedback (via monitoring!) is the Breakfast Of Champions, where correction and improvement are quicker and more frequent.  If you want to live a great life, with no stress and lots of progress, use monitoring! 

Search for relevant info:

Need to learn
Stories List
   Esp. Why I am the
     way I am
Essential misunderstandings/
Beliefs List
   Core beliefs list
Fears List, __ Imaginary
Badness List
Habits, Behaviors, Disciplines
     Problems List
Physical/real, Imaginary
Strengths List
Capabilities List
Negatives Portfolio
Contributions List
Successes List
What I Have
Acquired, not loseable
Can fluctuate but usually
Have but could "lose"
Progress, Obstacles
Positivity People
Negativity People


Goals, Wants

powered by FreeFind
Body      Mind
Essential Life skills
Gratitudes, Appreciations
The Plan
Good Traits, Characteristics
Safe, "Enough"
Goodnesses List
Good Memories List